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Jesus Timeline 2BC - 31AD
Dates Reconciled

Find any Date

  1. Carrier Wave on Internet

    Cloud, Top eight companies


    Radio Cells 1G-3G-5G
    + SMS Wi-Fi Bluetooth Miracast Smartshare Airplay

    Telecomm History

    TV Cable Set-Top

    Volt and Photons

  2. Days God's 7 Day Week
    How did it come together and how many "atoms" got involved
    Greek Timeline
  3. End Times Basis
    Marriage Feast of the Lamb
    Encyclopaedia Britannica
    English written
    Ethiopian Year Numbers plus Constantinople years, China Iran India and Nepal
    Exodus God's Feast of Trumpets
    Israel's First 6 months
  4. Foreknowledge
    Fixing bounds and times in our lives
  5. GMT and Railway Time
    God Jesus Church Christian
    in foreign languages
    Gold & Silver Prices 1965-2023


IBM's Floating Point animals
Single Precision1954 Double1962

Intel's 8 bit byte
History 1971 - 2024

Jehovah, its Hebrew meaning, Life, Breathing, and the Lord's Prayer

Jesus genealogies


Lamb's Book of Life

Love God

Makeup of Man

Marriage and Betrothal
in history

a brief timeline in Israel, Europe, England

Measurements Timeline
Distances, Weights, Volume

Milestone in 2020 for the 7,777,777,777th baby born

Movies Radio TV Timeline US

Music Timeline
Staffs, Do-Re-Mi, Clefs and Beats to the Bar

NBN Timeline

NBN Dec 2023
BaseConnections 8.8m

Telstra 3.55m 40.4%
... TPG 1.85m 21%
Optus 1.1m 12.7%
Vocus (Dodo,iPrimus) 740t 8.4%
Aussie Broadband 720t 8.2%
Other 810t 9.2%
Technology Types
FTTN 2.9m 33%
HFC 2m 23%
FTTP 2m 23%
FTTC (Curb) 1m 11%
FixedWireless 405t 5%
FTTB (Building) 280t 3%
Satellite 89t 1%
Non-NBN (Jun 2023)
Mobiles 4.3m
Fibre 186t
DSL 134t
HFC 31t
Satellite 30t

Numerals and Early Maths
When did fractions become decimals

Recorded Songs and Movies,
TV, Books and Heroes

Reverse Phone Lookup Australia
Published phone numbers AU

Spinning Earth & Colours

TV and Radio Australia
and Newspaper Owners

Worldwide and in Australia

World Cities

What's up at the moment

Market News
from March 2020

Australia and Overseas shutdowns openings

Early COVID News
243 Aussie passengers (plus 4 pilots & 14 crew) left Wuhan via QANTAS flight on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 8am (local time).... Flight subsidised by Govt. Will spend up to 14 days in Quarantine on Christmas Island. QANTAS to cover all additional domestic fares.
Update: Christmas Island quarantine lifted
Paige Taylor
Sunday Feb 16
Australians quarantined on Christmas Island were on Sunday preparing for freedom as the islands temporary quarantine station scaled down.
Not everybody locked inside the Christmas Island detention centre can go home on Monday.
The 242 Australians who arrived from Wuhan on February 3 are scheduled to be delivered to the Christmas Island airport after a short bus tour of local sights — but 36 Australian citizens and permanent residents will stay behind.
The smaller group landed on the Indian Ocean territory 48 hours after the first arrivals, via a rescue flight arranged by the New Zealand government that went first to Auckland.
They can leave on Wednesday if they remain virus-free.
The 24 doctors, nurses and clinicians sent to oversee the quarantining of Australians on Christmas Island were on Sunday packing up gear and a tent hospital in the grounds of the Howard-era immigration detention centre.
The medical group — including a pharmacist and paediatrician — are from the Australian Medical Assistance Team led by Dan Holmes, who described an optimistic mood among evacuees on Sunday. 'Everything is going smoothly,' he said. He indicated the Christmas Island detention centre could be prepared for more quarantine work at short notice pending any decision to send more people. 'AUSMAT are ready whatever we are asked to do,' he said. 'Our tents can be built up in two hours when required.'
The role of Christmas Island as a quarantine station was arranged swiftly and there was uncertainty about whether the island had capacity to receive more evacuees.
Another 266 Australians took a Qantas rescue flight out of Wuhan on February 9 and went to a former resource sector workers camp at Howard Springs, near Darwin.

Recent News pre-COVID


Australian Christian Groups

Alliance of Community Feb2021
CBAA Bookselling Association
Koorong Shops
Wholesale Agencies

Australian Timelines

  1. Australian Early Maps
  2. Australian Eight Leaders
    Cook, Phillip, Hunter, King, MacArthur, Flinders, Bligh, Macquarie
  3. Australian Growth
    by State plus Qld towns
  4. Australian Settlements

    1. Sydney 1788
      English settlers to Federation
    2. Hobart 1804
    3. Brisbane 1824
    4. Swan 1829
    5. Melbourne 1835
    6. Adelaide 1836
      plus Northern Territory, Aussie Ballots, Trade Unions
    7. New Zealand 1840
    8. PapuaNewGuinea 1884
      WW1, WW2, Independence
    9. Canberra 1927
  5. Banks big four timeline
  6. Christianity 1788 - 2022
  7. Christianity and recent PMs
  8. Citizenship
    and Indigenous people
  9. Compulsory Voting
    and compulsory enrolment
  10. CSIRO's John Bolton
    Pioneer at Dover Heights & Parkes
    Click here for early photos.
  11. Economy in 2022
    By 2020, Australia the world's biggest exporter of Iron Ore ($79.6B).
    Top import was Cars ($13.7B)
    Coal Briquettes ($36.4B), Aluminium Oxide ($3.59B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($2.7B), and Wool ($1.58B). Other top exports were Petroleum Gas ($26.8B) and Gold ($17.7B), exporting mostly to China ($102B), Japan ($31.8B), South Korea ($17.2B), United States ($11.6B), and India ($11.3B).
    Top imports were Cars ($13.7B), Refined Petroleum ($10.8B), Gold ($6.49B), Broadcasting Equipment ($6.38B), and Computers ($5.76B), importing mostly from China ($57.2B), United States ($24.2B), Japan ($12.2B), Thailand ($10.4B), and Germany ($9.67B).
    China is our largest trading partner, though Canberra has diversified since COVID.

  12. Electric Cars in 2023
  13. Employment in 2023
    13.903 million workers by industry. Since 1990, Manufacturing dropped from 14% to 6%, Health Care rose from 5% to 15%.
  14. GDP in 2010
    GDP + Tax stats 2019
    GDP adopted worldwide after 1944.
    US used GNP 1934-1991, GDP 1991. China adopted GDP 1993.
  15. GVA in 2021
    GVA (unlike GDP) includes Govt subsidies and excludes Indirect taxes (i.e. GST, Tariffs, Fuel, Payroll Tax, Land Tax etc)
  16. Our Origins by Ancestry
  17. Population 2020-2030
    Boomers and Gen X,Y,Z
  18. Renting in 2020
  19. Tax and Pensions
  20. Tax Revenue Fed State Local
    Total 2021 $593bn GDP $2 trillion
    a. GST ABNs 2.4mn 12%
    b. Company Tax 19%
    c. Personal PAYG 11mn 39%
    from 14.7mn returns
    d. State (PayrollTax, StampDuty Rego) & Local (Rates) 19%
    e. Fed (Customs, Excise, Fuel) 11%
    More info
  21. Wages AU and Debt US
  22. Wealth Households 2019

Other Country Status-Timelines

Intro - All countries

  1. By Brief History
    from 532BC Babylon
  2. By Currencies
  3. By GDP (and PPP)
  4. By Hemisphere North/South
  5. By Leaders and Flags
  6. By Population from Adam
    plus Historic Growth of Languages
  7. By Population by Country
    Countries Historic Growth
  8. By Population by Continent 2019
    showing Lifespan, Religions, also Links to 1930 & 1800
  9. By Population (Sortable) 2024
    Lifespan, UN member status, also Age Ranges
  10. By Population Growth 2024
  11. By Wealth
    with links to Allianz and CreditSuisse

Canada, US, Mexico

China Timeline

England Timeline

  • plus Schools
    Enid Blyton, Frank Richards

Euro Currency Status

Euroland and Greece

European & Slavic Alphabets
Bibles Churches

France Five Republics

Germany Charlemagne to Hitler

Gold Reserves Timeline

Hong Kong Trade Dollar Timeline

India Languages

Deep inside the plucky country

Florence, Venice, Sicily and Naples

Malaysia and Singapore

Parties: Tories & Whigs, Democrats & Republicans, Labour & Liberals

and Sanskrit

Spain under the Muslims

Space Travel Timeline

UN, NATO, EU Timeline

US, Canada, Mexico

World War 2 Timeline

Bibles / Aids

AUDIO Bible Gateway

Aids BLB Search
Book, Verse or Text

Aids Strongs
Dictionary Index

Aids Text Original
BibleHub by Book

Alphabets Hebrew, Greek

Aramaic, Arabic and Hebrew

Bible into English

  1. OT Hebrew Interlinear
  2. Apostolic Septuagint
    with Strongs numbering
  3. 4 Gospels 360AD
    Gothic Edition
  4. Early Editions
    Wessex, Wycliffe, Tyndale
  5. KJV
    The Passion & more
  7. Bible Prophecy

Church Buildings


Cosmos Search for life

Enoch's 8,000th Year

First Century Palestine

Hebrew (Old Testament)


  1. its Maps and Timeline
  2. Areas A,B,C
    Bethlehem, West Bank & East Jerusalem
  3. Bethlehem
  4. Community Census
    a. Israeli Jews Oct 2014
    b. Christians Jan 2019
  5. Driving/Traffic
    and Biblical Distances


  1. Its Walls and Timeline
  2. In 1st Century
    viewed from Mount of Olives
  3. Gate Map in 1918
  4. Britannica article

Religious Education in UK
compulsory since 1944

Seven Wonders of Ancient World

in Tonga and Worldwide

Computer Intro

AT&T 's Baudot to ASCII

First an introduction
Early Computer(s)
click here for the ENIAC, operational 1945-1955, initially at the University of Pennsylvania before being transferred to Maryland for US Army use in 1947. ...

It is often called the first computer with its coding capacity to conditionally "branch", as well as "loop", thus differentiating it from earlier adding machines and calculators. It was followed in England by the Manchester Baby in 1948, Cambridge University's EDSAC in 1949, and the US Army's EDVAC at Maryland first operational in 1952. They all followed mathematician John von Neumann's widely distributed paper in 1945 describing computer architecture, still used in almost all computers. IBM released its first computer also in 1952. In April 1957 following 3-4 years of development, IBM's "formulaic" software language compiler FORTRAN by John Backus was completed and ready for customer delivery.

COBOL, click here for those unfamiliar with its inventor, was a "business English" programming language which the US Department of Defence insisted that all computer manufacturers, if they wanted US Government contracts, had to be able to support. Launched in 1960, strongly supported by IBM after 1962, and the ICT/ICL 1900 series of business computers in England after 1964, by the year 1970 COBOL had become the most widely used programming language in the world.
Today it allegedly supports over 70% of business transaction processing worldwide, on IBM mainframes, including a vast number of Internet queries. In 2014 it was estimated that every second of the day there were 6,000 tweets sent, 30,000 Facebook "likes", 60,000 Google searches, and 1,100,000 IBM mainframe transactions processed worldwide.

Cobol is said to have 90% dominance in global financial transactions and is widespread through banks, supermarkets, governments, insurance and airlines. It's called a "third generation" (3GL) language. Standards are set by ISO / IEC, with 18 participating member countries and 27 observer member countries. The organization also provides oversight to five other (more formulaic) languages C,   C++,   Fortran, Ada and Prolog.

Click here for a brief summary of the meaning of 1, 2, 3 and 4GL languages. These early 3GLs contrast with later 3GLs (and 4GLs), now with run-time systems or "virtual machines" built using C and C++ compiled executables, e.g. Java now owned by the Oracle Corporation, and Javascript whose trademark is owned by Oracle, and standardized by Euro group ECMA International.
In Australia, click here for our Aussie banks IT systems (and some of the dramas at switching over to Java at NAB and Suncorp).

Click here and here for the level of demand for COBOL programmers worldwide in 2022. The estimated 800 billion lines of code in daily use, and $2 trillion said to have been invested over its 60 years via myriads of flowcharts and systems analysis, continues to play its part. While verbose, it is the most readable, understandable and self-documenting programming language available. Well written code is straightforward and robust — in a professional English-like way — explaining why financial institutions continue to depend on it. But the increasing dearth of experienced programmers will cause ongoing issues.
End of Intro

Go to Computer Timeline, World Wide Web & Language Aids

1st our movers and shakers

1GL, 2GL, 3GL, 4GL
MachineCode to SQL

Assembly one step from machine code

Assembly x86 architecture



  • What language are they written in

Cable Phone to RJ45 (Ethernet), a timeline from 1873

Cable PC Pictures, VGA, DVI, HDMI, PS/2, Ethernet, USB, etc (archived)

Computer Clocks code

Disk Drives

EPROM and Flash Memory
Basic information about memory chips, and programming

Facebook, its Founding & Facemash

a word size timeline

Honeywell's OSI Model 1984

IP Stack
Datagrams and how they work

and how they work

Keyboard Scan Codes

Memory how it works & MOS transistors

Mobile Codes

Mobile Timeline WW1 - 2011 archived

Mobile Phones

NZ & Oceania,PNG

  • Oceania (including NZ)
    Oceania's Digicel Takeover by Telstra 25 Oct 2021
  • Digicel PNG History

Number Allocation (Phones)

  • ACMA in Australia since 1997
  • Nanpa in North America since 1982
  • Ofcom in UK since 2003

NBN Technology & Address Check

Operating Systems Overview

Peripheral Buses on PCs
PCI Express, USB, SATA etc

Print Screen

Public Networking
Before the Internet

Standard Definition SD

  • NTSC published in USA in 1941 as 525 lines @ 30 frames per second (60Hz).
  • PAL published in Europe in 1963 as 625 lines @ 25 frames per second (50Hz) identical to Philips Black and White TV in Europe in 1950.

High Definition HD Digital

  • HD 1920x1080 published 1993
    MPEG-2 DVD 1996 (SD)
    MPEG-4 Blu-Ray 2006 (HD)
  • 4K,8K 3840x2160, 7680x4320 published 2012

languages timeline

USB How it works

USB Type A,B,Mini,Micro

Video Graphics
(over 35 years)

Computer Timeline

AT&T's C and Unix 1972

Early Bus S-100 1974

Early CP/M 1975

Early Home Computers

Early IMSAI 8080 1976

Early VisiCalc 1979

Early Wordstar 1979

Early dBASE II 1981

Intel Timeline

Mac/Apple Timeline

Microsoft Timeline

PowerShell Commands



Notepad's New UTF-8 Rules

WhatsApp vs FBMessenger

World Wide Web


Web Foreign Language Aids, Unicode Aids, Other Aids

ABCs Chinese Simplified
Uses Pinyin (Spell Sound)
e.g. zhong guo 中国 (Simp.)
(8,000 characters)

ABCs Chinese Traditional
e.g. zhong guo 中國 (Trad.)
(50,000 characters)

ABCs Chinese by Unicode

ABCs Do it in Hebrew

ABCs India its eight common scripts

ABCs Japanese scripts
Romaji & Kanji
Hiragana & Katakana

ABCs Languages all
Top 10 million Websites
+ Internet Users by Language

Text to Unicode


Foreign Words Pronounced

Foreign TLDs Background

Google How it Works

plus Pronounciation

Hard Refresh in Chrome, Firefox, IE and Mac

HTML Non-ASCII Characters

HTML Commands

HTML CSS Reference

HTML Sorting ▲▼
WebPage Tables

HTML Spacing

NSLookup, Ping, TraceRT

Test IPv6 (or IPv4) address

Trace Email Source Originating Server

Website Down
or is it just me

Wingding Postscript

YouTube Demo 1
Raised From Dead
YouTube Demo 2
Hoyts FatherSon

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     MainBody

SWCS - scripture resources, historic timelines, and media

Click here for results of 2022 Au Federal Govt Election

  • Click here for an aftermath by Scott Morrison, in 2024

Click here for results of Israel's Election on 1st November 2022
Click here for the final results of 2022 US Election
Click here for the final results of 2020 Qld State Govt Election

Click here for the current results of 2024 Qld's Local Govt Election

Intro. Spirit Soul and Body

  1. Click here re the "God Revolution" in Australia by Tony McLennan of the Australia for Jesus Network.
  2. Click here re Psychological Types and Temperaments - Our Souls.
  3. Click here for a primer on life - Our Bodies.
  4. Logos and Law, Love, Life
  5. Click here for What about the billions who have never heard about Jesus?
    Worldwide international languages over the past 4200 years.

1. Etymology

Click here for Etymologies of various phrases, the origin of the words in Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) and the way the meanings have changed through time

2. Cycle of History

Click Here to view this timeline
based on 2008 years of The Father — Adam to Abraham, 2008 years of The Son — Isaac to Jesus, 2008 years of The Holy Spirit — Establishing the Kingdom, then a statement of "peace" on Rosh Hashanah in Sep 2006.

  1. Click here for the timeline of the World's Calendar. Click here for the "mean second" UTC and Time Zones.
  2. Click here for the East-West timeline during the implementation of this Christ-centred calendar, after 532 BC.
  3. Click here for the emperors and kings from Charlemagne to Kaiser Wilhelm II, plus the build up in Russia and Germany to World War 2.
  4. Click here for Old Cities (alphabets epidemics plumbing).
  5. Click here for the timelines of the UN, IMF, NATO, G7, BRICS+ EU's 27 countries.
  6. Click here for a snapshot of Monarchies in 2020. Click here for Republics (listed in date order & sortable by country).
  7. Click here for a Map of Countries today, an offline Google mapped image to Europe Africa and Asia showing all major and many minor countries, plus an underlying link for "drill down" purposes.
  8. Click here for World Leaders and capital cities.
  9. Click here for our Local Leaders i.e. our Mayors in Brisbane and Queensland. Men and Women to pray for.
  10. Click here for what about the Judgment Seat of Christ

3. Money and the Gold Standard

  1. Click here for the timeline of every Major Currency's background in the world. Even Bitcoin.
  2. Click here for Australia's Early Years. How did everyone in Australia really survive before banks.
  3. Click here for Coins in England and UK and AU and US Banknotes.
  4. Click here for Troy & Tower Weights, Pennyweights and Carats.

  5. Click here for the timeline of Money along with Jesus's words in the New Testament.
  6. Click here for the timeline of Inflation as seen in England, after the Roman era, and then in Australian wages.
  7. Click here for Daily Settlements between Australia banks BSB, EFTPOS, BPAY, etc.
  8. Click here for Australia's current Import/Export figures and partners. Click the search button on upper right to select another country.
  9. Click here for the timeline of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 2007-2008.
  10. Click here for the Major Currencies reported by BIS Bank for International Settlements in foreign exchange trade. 88% of all trade involves buying or selling $US. "Make friends for yourselves with unrighteous mammon." This is where governments have to get involved, or if functioning as an unyielding monopoly, not, to much angst. Trade in 2022 totalled $US7.5 trillion daily, up from $US1 trillion daily in 2001.
    Estimate bank notes in circulation $US 2 trillion $AU 100 billion.

    Click here re Mammon, with Australia as a debtor nation 8th from the top, ever since 1788 we've relied on other countries to invest in us to help us get going.

    Click here for a full list of Central Banks that

    1. Provide Banking Services to a Government,
    2. Issue Banknotes,
    3. Act as a Clearing House between individual banks, plus
    4. Lender of last resort.

4. Computers latest statistics

  1. Major Players 2024
    • Apple's Timeline since 1976, Macs, iPads, iPhones based on XNU operating system, mostly Unix. Note XNU is short for Xnu is Not Unix.
    • Microsoft's Timeline since 1975, Basic, DOS, Windows operating systems, C#, Azure Cloud Computing, Office.
    • Google (how it works) Search engine since 1998, Chrome browser in 2008, Android operating system based on Linux (Unix-like) kernel. Free if u accept ads.
    • Facebook's Timeline since Facemash at Harvard in Oct2003.
    • IBM since 1911. Mainframes. On-premises ownership of hardware and software. Perhaps only 3% of IBM's revenue, but dominant in large Banks, Retailers, Governments, Insurance & Airlines.
  2. Internet Key Dates 1969-2024
  3. 5G (and 4G) worldwide & in Australia Nov 2023
  4. Email Applications 2023- 24
  5. Click here for Airplanes as operating systems(humour) Sep 1993. Updated Jun 2019 with browsing and Youtube statistics
  6. Audio-Visual Codecs since 1991
  7. Search before Google 1990-2000 Archie to Alta Vista
  8. BIOS Firmware Timeline since 1975 & UEFI (since 2007)
  9. Computer Languages Four Generations since 1951 of 1.Machine Code 2.Assembly 3.Fortran Cobol Basic C C++ Java etc 4.Databases
  10. AT & T's Baudot to ASCII since 1874

5. Bible

Click here for the timeline of the Translations of our Bible.

Click here for more background on how the scribes used to count the words & even the letters in the original text

6. Adam

  1. Click here for the timeline of Adam 6,027 years (in 2010 AD)
  2. Reconciling the Hebrew calendar with the Christian calendar
    Eden→Eden with David the Shepherd King born the 3014th yr in the middle
    noting that the earliest cuneiform writings are c.34th century BC

7. Jubilees and Jerusalem

  1. Click here for Israel's Jubilees, noting June 7 1967 occurred in the year of the 70th Jubilee.
  2. Click here for estimated Sketches of the Tabernacle, and the layout of the Temple in the days of Solomon, Zerubbabel, and Jesus.
  3. Click here for the Old City of Jerusalem with its Walls and Gates built in 1538, plus earlier Sketches from King David, Nehemiah, Jesus.

8. Jesus

Click here for a timeline of Jesus, 2BC to 31AD.

9. Paul

Click here for a timeline of Paul's Journeying 33AD - 64AD.

10. Language

Click here for audible pronunciations of the name of Jesus in Aramaic, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese as well as suggestions regarding the ancient Latin and Greek

11. World
About 4,200 years ago, about 100 years after the Flood, the scriptures say that peoples — perhaps 200 - 300 or so families at that time — scattered all over the earth and during the next 200 years the earth "fractured" becoming continents and islands. By 1000 BC, based on anthropological and archaeological evidence, the population had become about 50 million.

  1. Click here for the history of Census Taking according to
  2. Click here for the Nations descended from Noah as documented by the Jewish historian Josephus around 100 AD when the population had grown to about 200 million.
  3. Click here to see 2019's population, the world now numbering 7.7 billion descendants, Muslims, Christians, Hindus or Buddhist, with an average life expectancy of 70.37 years.

12. Love

  1. Click here for another picture in space and time: God's Plan of Love — Building His Body / Family.
  2. Click here for our "Bios": our human biology and its pressure factors, the story of Jacob, and his wrestling with the angel, "the man", a story that along with that of his son Joseph takes up half the book of Genesis.

Main Body

  • Click here to go to Israel's Latest News
  • Click here to go to Tyre — Businesses and Time Complete
  • Click here to go to Seals 1-6 through Scripture and Historic Events
  • Click here to go to the Bottom part of the Page (Jerusalem section)

Go back to top


First Words regarding Australia in 1606

Click here for Christianity in Australia (pre 1945)

Who owns Australia, anciently referred to as terra australis incognita (Latin) - "unknown land of the south"? The words came just over 400 years ago: La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo - Australia of the Holy Spirit (click to hear the song), without the preceding "Terra" that had previously been used. These Spanish words were spoken by a spiritually minded Portuguese navigator with an Austrian king as his Spanish monarch on Pentecost Sunday, May 14th 1606 — were then adjusted and published in English (and Spanish) in 1625 as Australia del Espiritu Santo in Haklvytvs posthumus, or, Pvrchas his Pilgrimes Vol iv, p.1432 contayning a history of the world — then changed again in Lieutenant James Cook's journal to Astralia del Espiritu Santo in 1770.

But Cook was noting that, even as Quirós proclaimed this to be the new name for the land he had been seeking — Terra Australis — south to the Pole, he had actually been on a small island group (Vanuatu) well to the east. Click here to see a copy of his map.
Somewhat madly, Quirós then declared they all would build a "New Jerusalem" while defending all the island's inhabitants from their enemies. Needless to say, the crew on his ship mutinied, and, while citing bad weather and bad health, they apparently kept him in his room, and sailed his ship back to Mexico. He made his way back to Spain, his vision unfulfilled.
With that parting, his second in command Torres sailed on in his ship to the Philippines, and came through Torres Strait, possibly sighting the hills of Cape York, but if so, taking no further notice.

Yes, mistakes occurred as so often happens when we "can't see the big picture". Still, later English writers declared their ongoing preference for Quirós's word though minus that first "i" . So, while English explorer James Cook now named the east coast New South Wales using an incomplete map of New Holland — yes it had been named this by Dutch explorer Tasman in 1644 — both Matthew Flinders' chart of "parts explored 1798 — 1803" and Governor Macquarie's despatch on 21 December 1817 strongly recommended that the whole country reclaim the name Australia. Official recognition by the British Admiralty came in 1824.
Click here for more background on the naming of Australia.

Freedom and youth in 2006

Now click here to read about a get-together with vibrant imagery — tree-planting and "bread-breaking", between our recent Australian leader (John Howard)'s family, and American leader (George Bush)'s family on Sunday, May 14th 2006, a special day.

Firstly, it was the 400th anniversary of Quirós's proclamation

Secondly, it was the 200th anniversary of the successful English petition in 1806, when 2000 signatures laid before the House of Lords saw the abolition of the slave trade throughout the British Empire inside the year. It came at the time of London's rapid rise as a ruling "world city", the English navy ruling the seas, the English pound starting to rule the world's money markets, click here re the history of money, and along with new communications systems and a free press, the English language starting to rule the world's languages (e.g. Nigeria in Africa, India and Australia in Asia, U.S.A. in America), bypassing French as first or second language of countries everywhere.
Click here for interesting pictures in the origin of that word "English".

Thirdly, as second Sunday in May, it was worldwide Mother's Day.
Let us examine those scriptures on "Mother".

But Jerusalem above is free which is the mother of us all. Galatians 4:26
Yes, Jerusalem above is the heavenly mother, a kingdom that shines forth in wisdom — clarity. CS Lewis speaks of her as the enduring invisible church "terrible as an army with banners".
Further pictures on mother and child with John's vision in Revelation 12:1, see also Revelation 21:1, Genesis 4:25-26, Song of Solomon 8:5-7, Proverbs 8:1, and Proverbs 31:10-31.

Yes, free, along with her children.

And from the depths of a Tasmanian gold-mine to the snowy heights of Mt Everest, May that year certainly majored in Aussies being rescued. Click here for that last one. In June, the joy (and agony) of participating in world cup soccer. Click here for a short email sent via Col Stringer. In September, the worldwide sadness, as major news websites went into meltdown, at Steve Irwin's sudden death. Click here for one writer's review.
Whether we live or die, win or lose, there is enormous appeal in the freedom, the enthusiasm in someone like Steve's young, childlike (though a cynic would say childish) Aussie playfulness. To quote Bono: "things that really communicate universally are humour (surprised by joy), grace & strength of character" - three things often seen in little children. ok, not always at the same time

Truly, unless you about face, become as children, you shall not go in. Matthew 18:3
The word for child is "paidion", linked to "paideuo" meaning one who is trained up: chastened, and corrected.
See too Luke 7:35-50 regarding Wisdom and her children.

Enslavement and age in Palestine — Jerusalem below. Galatians 4:25, Isaiah 50:1
the contrasted worldview of shame (pale, confused & distracted), blame and guilt can intimidate and bind us all so easily. On August 14th 2006 (3 months following that Mother's day) a UN brokered truce was announced for Hezbollah and Israel — provisionally reckoned "a messy draw" by Greg Sheridan, foreign editor at "The Australian". Seen by many as a proxy war, the latest episode in a 2300 year conflict involving the South (Egypt), North (Syria/Iran) and Jews in the middle - click here. Then, under provocation on February 14th 2007 (6 months later), John Howard declared in Parliament why he was so adamant about keeping 1400 Australian personnel in Iraq to support US troops. "A defeat in Iraq for the US would be more than bad for the war against terrorism; it would be catastrophic," Mr Howard said. "It would lead to not only a bloodbath in Iraq but the destabilisation of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and the end of any real hope of getting a Palestinian peace settlement. It would also embolden the terrorist cause in our part of the world."

Latest news on Israel and the Middle East

Click this map of Israel, another young yet ancient nation, prophetically entrusted with the oracles, the sayings of God Romans 3:2, for "Deep inside the plucky country" by Greg Sheridan in The Australian.
Plucky but hemmed in.
Click Here for the latest News on Israel and Palestine — Aug 21 2024.

Click here to see the population growth in this land that now encompasses Israel, West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In 1900 it showed just 500 thousand but in 2020 there were 9 million in Israel, 3 million in the West Bank and 2 million in the Gaza Strip. Further east in Jordan 450 thousand to 10 million, Iraq 2 million to 40 million, Persia (Iran) 10 million to 83 million. Yes phenomenal growth, due in part to the abolition of slavery, the discovery of oil, and of course a massive decline in infant mortality rates click here — in Israel from 39 deaths per thousand in 1950 to 3 per thousand in 2020, in Palestinian territories from 140 to 21, in Jordan from 147 to 17, in Iraq from 225 to 32, in Iran from 220 to 15.
Click the appropriate country to see similar population growth in the north, in Lebanon 600 thousand to 7 million and Syria 1 million to 17 million, in the south, in Egypt 10 million to 101 million and Saudi Arabia 1½ million to 34 million.

Current faith demographics on Israel's population of about 9 million show 74% to be Jewish, 18% Muslim, 2% Arab Christian, 1½% Druze and 4-5% nominally "other or none". In the 2011 census, non-Arab Christians estimated number of 25,000 (including "Messianic Jews"), were counted as "Jews and others". An important point, interfaith marriages are not permitted, when marrying in Israel, both parties must always be of the "same faith". Disputed East Jerusalem, under Israeli law since 1967, currently holds about 300,000 Palestinian Arabs and 200,000 + Israeli Jewish settlers. Then outside of Israel proper, about 2 million live in the Gaza Strip (99% Muslim), and about 3 million live in the West Bank (about 82% Muslim, 2% Christian, 15% Jewish settlers).

Based on, worldwide Jewish population in 2023 is about 16.78 million. About 7.2 million Jews live in Israel including the West Bank, about *7.5 million live in the US, and about 2 million or so live elsewhere. About 124,000 live in Australia.
*DellaPergola estimated the US Jewish population earlier than 2023 as 6.2 million.

Click here for Wikipedia's latest historic perspective on the State of Palestine, a non-member observer state within the United Nations since November 2012, recognized as a "proper, separate nation" by some, and "definitely not" by others. The current president is Mahmoud Abbas. Click here for his predecessor, Yasser Arafat.

Click here for Rulers of Syria (in the north) 1920-2020, and a map of who controls what in its civil war.

Click here for an article in 2017 on the Turkish President following overtures to Iran.


No prophecy (of scripture) ever came under human initiative, no, holy men received inspired utterance under the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21

"Iran has already threatened to bomb Israel's cities with its long-range missiles" - The Australian, Dec 15, 2009.
Click here for a built-in prophecy regarding the above statement in Isaiah 22. It shows Jerusalem fleeing together for mutual support as death occurs, not from close combat but from archers (or rockets). The warring nation is Elam - Iran (click here for a map) with Kir in Jordan uncovering the shield, and Babylon fallen, along with her false gods Isaiah 21:9. It shows Jerusalem tearing down houses to fortify the wall, rejoicing in her armour, but not looking to her maker, ignoring his call to repentance: "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die" Isaiah 22:13. Typified in a minister, Shebna meaning "growth" but seen as one digging a spectacular grave.

Click here for the Israeli Democracy Index survey from May 2017, 88% of Jews in Israel placing their highest trust in Israel's Defence Forces.

With such self-centred nihilism, the Lord declares this perversity would only be purged by death, as Shebna's powerful battle tanks Isaiah 22:18 become the disgrace of his master's house. And God calls Eliakim literally "God of resurrection" with words echoed in that promise to the church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) of "laying the key of the house of David upon his shoulder, so he will open and none will shut, and he will shut and none will open" Isaiah 22:22.

The next chapter in Isaiah specifies how Tyre → Carthage collapses, see Isaiah 23 and Ezekiel 27, nor does the land of Egypt escape.

Tyre — Businesses and Politics

According to Jewish records, Tyre settled in the area known as "Tynes" or Tunis about 800BC, and it became a mighty trading city, Carthage. Spelt originally as Qart-Hadasht, it means literally the "New   City", the "New Meeting place", and is sometimes called the "Woman-City". Its Phoenician alphabet, derived from the Hebrew, spread throughout Europe for trading purposes, providing contracts for buying, for selling, for law: before and after an event. And with Jewish traders and Greek and Roman tutors and schools teaching basics of phonetics to the children of business people and political masters, adapting it to their local language, if God's people, also teaching about God to humble hearts. Good things. Followed by God-ordained Christian missionaries after 30AD, teaching about Christ. Now in the past 100 years the script has become universal, via the League of Nations, the United Nations, in business and entertainment, in computers and smartphones, this "Roman", this Latin, now this English script.

See this article re Tunisia, the new name of Carthage, the dawn of the so-called "Arab Spring" in 2011. And we see in Daniel, "He (i.e. the appointed enemy) shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt, and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps" Daniel 11:42-43

Time Complete

With reference to 2 Corinthians 13:14
TIME click here for Bible Timeline can be seen as having now reached:

6000 years mankind on its own, 31 years with the bridegroom — click here for Jesus's timeline, the Son of God.

  1. 4018 BC: 2008 years of The Father: Revealing His goodness & strength to individuals — Love of God the Father towards all.
    Mat 7:11,  Luk 11:13,  John 3:16
    The Father (the Creator of all): Adam to Abraham. From the Beginning.
  2. 2010 BC: 2008 years of The Son: Birthing (a nation) not by works but by faith - the Lord's grace inside it.
    Gen 17:17   Gen 18:12-15   Gen 21:6   Gen 22:2   Eph 5:2   Heb 11:17-19   James 1:1-5
    Son Isaac (means "laughing")
    Click to see the links in Hebrew between "Son", "Build", "House" and "Stone". See too Psalms 118:22
    The Son (Spoken Word → Living Word): Isaac to Jesus. Ever Present.
  3. 2 BC: 2008 years of The Holy Spirit: Partnering with people who are outworking God's purposes — Fellowship of the Holy Spirit while awaiting God's coming justice.
    The Holy Spirit (Sealed) — the Pledge or earnest Ephesians 1:13 of belonging to the King:
    Called the anointing, given to all who come as little children. 1 John 2:20
    Heralding Christ to Heralding His Return. Future Hope.

    *1807-2006: (see footnote) Horseman one. The church, as his body. Joseph. The world wide war for the gospel and medical health, opposing slavery and oppression during the last 200 years played a major role in increased life expectancy in many poorer regions outside Europe. But forgotten, somewhat like Joseph in prison (Gen 40:20-23) . Still, between 1959 and 1999, world population doubled from 3 billion to 6 billion.

    Then in 1999, as Y2K (Year 2000) approached, many spoke of world wide economic calamity. In contrast, the sweeping deregulating that occurred with US Banks Securities and Insurance Companies — combined with major advances in VLSI technology that led to a worldwide "explosion" of
    ADSL and Cable Broadband Internet (ca 1998) then GPRS Mobile Internet (2000) — meant these last 7 years were seven years of unprecedented outward prosperity. Though within two years terrorists from Afghanistan declared war with that attack on the World Trade Centre in September 01. Horsemen two and three War and Trade.
    Headed by Omar Mullah, Taliban leader, reigning over that devastated area where gospel missionaries are frequently executed. Horseman four leading to Seal five Devastation and Martyrdom.

    And, following those seven fat years, seven lean years.

  4. Rosh Hashanah September 2006: 7 years of Israel: with Avowal at the UN.

    Coupled with the subprime crisis early glimpse was Merit Financial closing its doors May 4 06. Escalating Rosh Hashanah Sept 30 2008 two years later — running parallel to Joseph's words in Genesis 45:9-11
    "Come down to me, do not delay — for there are yet five years of famine". Click here for thoughts.

    Following Rosh Hashanah (Sept 4th) 2013, click Here for that US Debt crisis as the US Govt closed down on 1st October, 2013. And as the world reached 7 billion.

Balances with 6031 years. So, as clearly as anything may be seen for now where we judge through a glass darkly, click here for a picture initially glimpsed also on May 4 06. Noting Paul's words: "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds the house. And if anyone figures they have seen anything, they have known nothing — not yet — as they ought to know. But if anyone loves God — seeks the building of God's house — this one has been known by Him." 1 Corinthians 8:1-3
"Despise not prophecy. Examine everything, hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part." 1 Corinthians 13:9

Seals 1-6

*Regarding the four horsemen (of the Apocalypse), we can see the first rider starting way back in 4000BC (1) Lord's finding heart faith — hidden/secret treasure in Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua down to David: hiding it selling all and buying the field. The second rider 2,000BC (2) War & Division follows Babel and the confusion of tongues: in Israel we see Abraham's first son Ishmael following in his mother's footsteps and mocking Isaac, Moses striking the rock following Miriam's death and speaking bitterly to all, Saul's presumption of Samuel's priesthood role — all from time & people pressure. The third rider 500BC (3) Trading idolatry: Gold/Silver/Copper/Iron coinage, seen in Babylon, previewed in Saul's coveting of wealth followed by God's rejection and contrasted with Abraham's refusal to be indebted to the world Genesis 14:21-24 and Genesis 23. Finally the fourth rider 1,000 years later (4) Death and Hell: Terrorism, Intimidation, Devastation, Dark Ages over a quarter of the earth. Their capital becomes Baghdad close by the now ancient city of Babylon.

Thus the four horsemen reflect not just the past 1,950 years (or so) since John wrote the Book of Revelation, but go right back to the Book of Genesis. For the non-believer, it can be seen in those famous stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, eventually, perhaps, comfort (Genesis 27:42).

And see too a similar picture Jesus showed regarding the four internal responses to the gospel in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3: "When any one hears the word of the kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the word, and immediately with joy receives it, yet has he not root in himself, but is temporary: for when tribulation/social pressure or persecution/physical harassment arises because of the word, in time he is offended/tripped up (due to this warfare). He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word, and the cares/distractions of this world, and the deceitfulness/delusions of riches and physical fullness choke the word and he becomes unfruitful (due to this wealth). But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it, which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." Hallelujah.

Click here for this four seals comparison table in a separate page

Four Seals Table

Click here for the letters to the seven churches Rev 2.

First Four Seals   Revelation 6:1-8
Begins in 4000 BC with the First Adam and takes on New Life in 31 AD with Christ the Last Adam (and Second Man)
4000 BC
First Seal
White Horse (Light)
2000 BC
Second seal
Red Horse (Fire)
Objective (Laws)
500 BC
Third seal
Black Horse (Ink)
Subjective (Sea)
500 AD
Fourth seal
Pale Green Horse (Colourless)
The Word of God
Rev 19:11
of earthly kingdoms
Luke 13:18-19
Luke 12:49-51
Arising of
Inflation & trade
Luke 13:20-21
Matthew 24:14
Ravaging of Death & Hell in ¼ of earth
Mat 13:24-30
Living Creature
Rev 5:5
Ox Man's Face
Luke 16:1-15
Flying Eagle
Mat 24:28
Man's Plans Producing Joy else Stages of Grief
Seeking God

Loving Him, Loving (unloveable) people

Acceptance by Him else
Denial (Grief Stage 1)
of Him by us means
Denial by Him of us
Seeking Fight

Hate, Unforgiveness, Revenge, Enslave and Killing

Anger (Grief Stage 2)
Seeking Own Prosperity

Love of money, things, wanting more

Bargaining (Grief Stage 3)
No plans, this is your life/death, yes it's hell

don't expect it to change

Unceasing Depression (Grief Stage 4)
Age of the Lord
Start of His House and His Love
Age of the Military
Ancient Hinduism / Caste Slaves / Armies /
Sadducees — Living as physically "righteous"
Acts 23:6-10
Age of the Trader
*Buddhism / Greeks / Self Empower / Evolving /
Pharisees — Living as "separated"
Luke 16
Age of the Destroyer
Death and Hell (The Devil)
Arabic Terrorist Mastery opposed to all others
Jews (so called)
Herodians — Living as "heroes"
Rev 3:9
*Strictly speaking, Buddhists refuse to acknowledge the significance of God (or gods) including the fact that God is "Our Father", and that man has an eternal soul or ego. Their understanding is that nothing is fixed or permanent and everything is always changing.
Their four noble truths are 1.Human life involves suffering and rebirth 2.It's caused by ego with its attachment to base desire and cravings 3.There is an end to suffering which is to 4.Follow the Eightfold Middle Path a.Right understanding (of these four noble truths) b.Right values (compassion) c.Right speech d.Right action (help the environment) e.Right work (be useful) f.Right effort (thoughts) g.Right mindfulness (awareness) h.Right meditation (calmness/nirvana).
Spirit renewed
1 Peter 3:1-7
Ecc 3:11-22
Acts 10:34-35
Songs 1
1 Cor 15:35-49
Body Strength
Thoughts and Intentions Heart and Soul Whitewashed Spirit
Reins ("No")
1Co 2:11-12


Jesus in the Wilderness
  Bread for the Body Self-Aware / cast yourself down invulnerability Lofty imagination fulfilled, but first fall and worship the adversary
International Communication
  Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic
Babylon and Persia
Alexander followed by Ptolemy in the south then Antioch in the north
So-called "Holy" Roman Empire focusing on the Pope in Rome, Charlemagne in Francia, Otto in Germania, and the Habsburgs in Austria and Spain
Sowing Seed
Finding a People who bear Fruit Stony ground-tribulation Thorns Wayside
James 3:15
  Earthly Sensual Devilish
1 John 2:16
  Disinterest outside of Me
the Lusts of the Flesh — Fornication (sleaziness and slackness) and Drunkenness (public nuisance)
vs Interest in God and your Neighbours (Honour, Patience, Love 1 Cor 13)
Despair and Sadness
the Lusts of the Eyes — Covetousness and Swindling
vs Joy, Laughter, and via love Faith
Boasting of Your Goods (Pride of "Bios")
What is Not — Idolatry and Belittling
vs Expectation Hope
Book of Common Prayer
  The Flesh The World The Devil
Job's Three (miserable) Aged Comforters vs Youth
Elihu-Childlike Faith
Job 33:2-7
Job 8:8-10
Personal Experiences
Job 4:12-21
Negative Deconstruction of Narratives
Job 11:6
Today's atheistic faith in
  Rightwing Nazism Fascism
Patriot Numbers
1 Chronicles 21
Leftwing Communism Marxism
Monetary Strength
Luke 16
Anarchy Sophistry Myths
Inner Emotion
2 Timothy 4:3-4

Fifth seal. 1500 AD Martyrs cry How Long? A "new world" is slowly dawning & the Isaiah 60 prophecy.

Combines with the rise of a young international language English from a very tiny island

Community-empowered (as opposed to privately-sponsored) schooling appears, training children up in the scriptures arts and law. Seen in Scotland (in 1496), then in Strasbourg and other German cities (in the 1500s), Massachusetts in the USA (in the 1600s), Prussia, Austria-Hungary, and Bohemia (in the 1700s), the rest of Europe and America, Australia and Japan (in the 1800s), Russia, China, and Muslim countries (in the 1900s), and finally all of India (in 2010) .

Sixth seal. 2000 AD Rev 6:14 Get ready.

At the Copenhagen summit the whole world starts to focus (in fear) on the sky.

** End Table

  Gross Wealth

Physical Wealth

Luke 16:9-13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God (the Father) and Mammon.
(i.e. the Big Mama, a word apparently first recorded around Jesus's era as the personification of riches)

In 2019, a brief summary of regions with liquid assets and liabilities – a very, very rough picture 

RegionGross AssetsDebtNett
North America (USA and Canada)€79 trillion€15 trillion€64 trillion
Latin America€3½ trillion€1 trillion€2½ trillion
Western Europe€36 trillion€11 trillion€25 trillion
Eastern Europe (includes Turkey and Russia)€2½ trillion€1 trillion€1½ trillion
Asia (includes Israel)€47 trillion€12 trillion€35 trillion
Australia and New Zealand€3.758 trillion€1.633 trillion€2.125 trillion

This table (click here for a full list of countries) is based on each region's gross financial household assets measured in euros by Allianz – currency stocks and bonds at current market values, with a separate column for debt, including mortgage debt. Total gross assets equals €172 trillion. Nett assets €130 trillion.
Its list of countries does not include Africa or the Middle East (other than Turkey, Israel and South Africa).
In Australia perhaps 90% of total debt is property loans, however current house and land values are not included in Gross Assets.

Credit Suisse
Click here for a full list of countries (including Africa and Middle East) showing Total Net Wealth (assets less liabilities) by Credit Suisse US $114 trillion China $US 64 trillion Australia $US 7 trillion.
In 2023 US $140 trillion China 84 trillion Australia 10 trillion.

In contrast with Allianz it includes Non-Financial private assets, mostly House and Land at current values. Total wealth overall equals $US 360 trillion, in 2023 $US 454 trillion.
Click here to view the Credit Suisse report as a PDF file.

Australian Households total Net Wealth, including current house and land values (in AU dollars) is $AU 10 trillion, spread over 10 million households. An average net wealth of $AU 1 million per household, with the Australian Federal Government having a AAA credit rating worldwide.

Click here for Australia's Wealth Details (by household and by adult).

Click here for each country's External Debt with investment in US Treasury (internally and externally) - click here - showing $28 trillion held by the public.
Currently about 88%, click here, of all currency transactions across the world involve the US dollar.
Click here for Sovereign Wealth Funds (king was in his counting house) - US currently showing $320 billion.
Click here for Foreign Exchange Reserves - US currently showing $240 billion, includes $11 billion (book value) gold.
And click here for each country's official Gold Reserves - with 8133 tonnes, US valued about $520 billion, held by the US Federal Reserve. While these assets are technically owned by private shareholders (banks), note that by statute all profits belong to the US Govt.

Comment from a friend "Note: The US not only holds the most gold but it represents 75% of their reserves. This means that whilst their dollar may not be backed by gold, they still understand its role as a potential storage of wealth in tough times. So, the US financial system is being hammered but as a country, any run on the gold price will help them (i.e. the federal reserve) to buy out the toxic debt and restabilise things. Look at the UK. Backs to a wall and no gold to play with...ouch."

And another friend's prayerful thought: "I think there are two currencies operating in the world: a) the currency of greed and corruption orchestrated by the world's international monetary system, and b) the currency of God's love revealed in Christ and extending Eternal Life to all who respond in faith to God's Call. I think this second currency operates 'under the radar' a lot of the time even though the world system tries to annex it through the institutionalisation of religion. But the Word of God grows and multiplies - Acts 12:24 - and wherever it grows and multiplies it brings blessing and peace and stability, in a measure, to the nations that do not actively war against it. Those that oppose it struggle massively with social degradation and economic impoverishment. I believe the uncharacteristic blessing that abides on Australia has come about because godly men and women have faithfully preached the Word over the time of our brief history. 'In Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not' John 1:4-5. "


2 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Now we beseech you, brothers (and sisters), regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together to him,
That you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand (i.e. present)
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come the "female" forsaking first (a breakdown of all legal and monetary restraint in the trading city of Revelation 18:4, the harlot Babylon)   and that man of sin be revealed (uncovered)  the son of perdition (or ruin);
Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God , or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sits in the temple of God , showing himself that he is God
Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things ?
And now you have seen what withholds (holds him fast)  that he (i.e. the man of sin) might be revealed (uncovered)  in his season.
For the mystery of lawlessness does already work only the one who holds him fast, will now continue until that one is out of the middle.
And then shall that lawless one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

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over nearly 4000 years
~4000 Year Summary 1925 BC - 2024
Reign of the Maccabees 167 BC - 37 BC
Days of Herod 70 BC - 70 AD
Catholic Account 70 AD - 1913 AD
Eight Hundred Horsemen - 1917
May 1948 - First Arab-Israeli War
June 1967 - The 6 Day War
Jerusalem - Israel - from Moses to Today

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Intro — computer user numbers in 2024

Five billion users worldwide, either on desktops or mobiles or both, are accessing the Internet in 2024.

Desktop Browsers

An Intro

  1. In August 1991 the general public was introduced to the first linkable searchable web browser, Tim Berners-Lee's WorldWideWeb with markup commands, images and text. His site was at CERN, the European Nuclear Physics Research Council/Board founded in 1954 in Geneva Switzerland.

    In December 1991 the world's second website, a search engine using a database of 239,000 bibliographic documents on High-Energy Physics was launched at SLAC the U.S. Department of Energy's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center based at Stanford University in California. Any computer terminal worldwide that was running the browser connected to the servers at CERN and SLAC via the same HTTP daemon, the first Web Server program, designed and written at CERN, now made freely available.
    Click here for HTML 1.0 markup tags employed inside the text of documents/pages downloaded by HTTP to the browser program.

  2. It was quickly followed by ViolaWWW, a more mainstream Unix browser in March 1992.
  3. NCSA Mosaic, co-written by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina at the NCSA at the University of Illinois, became the market dominant browser for two years from 1993 until 1994. From late 93 it ran on Windows 3.1 and Apple Macs, as well as Unix.
    Click here for HTML 2.0 - 5.0, its URL definition, and its <img> command, placing text and images in the same window.

    Netscape and Internet Explorer

  4. Netscape launched in Oct 1994 as a Mosaic upgrade. It had 75% market share by Feb 1995 remaining market dominant 1995-1999, with its user-session encryption and individualized "cookie files" i.e. user-based tokens identifying a user, that were uploaded with every page request. Shopping carts for retailers banks others roared into life on the web, but due to lack of revenue Netscape was closed down in 1999 by its new owners AOL. AOL was famously seen in the movie "You've Got Mail", which was released the same year. Many of Netscape's employees became the Mozilla Organization, which launched Mozilla Firefox 1.0 in 2004.
  5. Microsoft Internet Explorer, running on Windows, became the market dominant browser 1999-2012. It held over 90% of the browser market share from 2002-2005. It started losing some of that share to Mozilla Firefox 2006-2010, but then in 2011 Mozilla Firefox started losing its market share to Google Chrome. Google Chrome launched in 2008, but Google had already become known for its search engine that in 2000-2002 supplanted Alta Vista (launched December 1995). Google's browser passed Firefox in user popularity in Nov 2011 then Internet Explorer in May 2012. It has been market dominant ever since.

End Intro

To download a browser, its website may be found under Wikipedia's "External Links" heading

  1. Google Chrome with 65% global usage share, 61% in Australia.

  2. Microsoft Edge shows 13% global usage share, 15.5% in Australia. Microsoft Edge, built on Google's "Chromium" codebase since 2020, generally uses less memory than Chrome per tab and often loads sites faster. It has superseded Internet Explorer (MSIE) which now shows minimal usage.

  3. Firefox with 6.5% global usage share, 5% in Australia.

  4. Apple Safari 9% (15.6% in Oz), with Safari 5.1.7 the last version for Windows.

  5. Opera 3% (just 2% in Oz)

Three browsers used in China: 360 Safe (21%), Tencent's QQ Browser (9%), and Sogou Explorer (4%) employ their own search engines, with Baidu most in use. In Russia, the Yandex Browser (29%) similarly employs its own search engine.

The local Australian statistics are from StatCounter in Ireland. According to them, Mozilla Firefox was historically popular in Germany Iran and Indonesia, but Google Chrome, a fast browser with anti-virus blocking is now more popular day to day nearly everywhere, including here in Australia.

Desktop Operating Systems

Click here for operating system browsing. According to StatCounter

  1. Microsoft Windows is most popular worldwide at 77% of web usage — 69% inside Australia, 65% inside US, 90% inside China.
    1. Breaking the Windows figure worldwide down further, Windows 10 is in the lead at 51%, in Australia it's 41%, in the US 41%, in China it's 52%.
    2. New release Windows 11 is second at 23%, in Australia it's 26%, in the US 22%, in China 15%.
    3. Windows 7 is third at 2¼%, though in China it's 20%, in Australia 0.6%, in the US 1%.
    4. Windows 8.1 just 0.3%, 0.2% in Australia, 0.3% in US, 0.4% in China.
    5. Windows 8 just 0.3%.
    6. Windows XP just 0.3%.
      Note in China, Windows XP though it's no longer supported holds a slightly higher share at 1⅓%.
  2. Apple Mac's OS X holds 16% worldwide — 27% inside Australia, 25% inside the US, 8% inside China.
  3. The final 2% (in China), to 10% (in the US) of web usage worldwide employs Chrome OS, Linux, and other Unix-based systems. In the US, Chrome has 5% of web browsing, Linux on 4%.

Desktop PC Sales

†† PC sales in 2023 were 241 million units. Market leaders were Lenovo on 25%, HP on 22%, Dell on 16½%, Apple Mac on 9% (but higher in Australia), Asus on 7%, then Acer on 6½%. Other companies made up the 14% balance.
†† Gartner, January 10 2024

Mobiles and tablets

According to Gartner, global smartphone shipments in 2022 were 1.4 billion units.
Click here for the five most popular smartphones in USA, UK, China, India and others showing iPhone 15 in the lead, followed by Samsung Galaxy. Note that with the high prices of newer models, many customers are holding on to older smartphones, along with 4G performance.

Mobiles and tablets run on chips designed by ARM Holdings, in Apple iPhones, Apple iPad tablets, and Android smartphones and tablets. Despite the higher costs historically of mobile networks vs fixed-line networks, since late 2016 mobile traffic has exceeded desktop traffic, i.e. page views by mobiles are now more than 50% of total page views. Click here to see that graph contrasting worldwide mobile browser traffic with desktop browser traffic.

Click here for Australia's vendor share of 7.3 million smartphones in 2022, Apple on 49% at 3.6 million units.
With mobile web, in nearly every country worldwide, Google's Android vendors have a major market share. However this does not apply to five countries where the Apple iPhone is dominant, in Australia, US and Canada, UK and Japan. Last month's Apple iPhone market share worldwide was 27%, but in Australia it was 54%.

Apple Computers

Regarding Apple's popularity, its annual sales in 2023 were estimated at 231 million iPhones, 82 million AirPods, 61 million iPads, 38 million AppleWatches, and 26 million Macs.


And in mainframes the market leader is solidly IBM, perhaps 90%, followed by Fujitsu.

64-bit vs 32-bit

With regards to 64-bit vs 32-bit as Windows 7 gained momentum, a report in 2010 showed 46% of the worldwide installed base of Windows 7 running 64-bit, with 54% running 32-bit. This contrasted with Vista which had only 11% running 64-bit, and Windows XP with less than 1%. Today all modern desktop computers are designed to run 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 10 or 11.

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