Australia Average Net Wealth (Assets less Debts) by Household

Adults June 2019 (18 years and over) totals to 18.655 million

Households June 2019: totals to 10 million (approx.)
Families: 71½%
Single Person: 24½%
Group Households (made up of unrelated individuals): 4%


Top 20%2 Million: Average Net wealth $3.24 million$AU 6.48 trillion
60%-80%2 Million: Average Net Wealth $1.04 million$AU 2.08 trillion
40%-60%2 Million: Average Net Wealth $565,000$AU 1.30 trillion
20%-40%2 Million: Average Net Wealth $230,000$AU 0.46 trillion
Low 20%2 Million: Average Net Wealth $35,000$AU 0.07 trillion
Total10 million$AU 10.39 trillion
Adults Median Net Wealth is the figure at 50% of the total number of adults. It equals $US 181,361 ($AU 260,000) at the median point of 9,327,500 adults. Average Net Wealth is the total wealth divided by total number of adults. It equals $US 386,058 ($AU 550,000). Total adults in 2019: 18.655 million adults * $US 386,058 equals $US 7.202 trillion ($AU 10 trillion).

A major source of this wealth ($AU 3 trillion) is in superannuation (pension) funds, with the other major source ($AU 4 trillion) in home ownership at current market values, less any mortgage outstanding. The $AU 3 trillion balance is mostly the current market value less debt of household investments in stocks and shares, in bonds, in bank deposits, and cash on hand in Australia and overseas.
In 2018, 30% of households owned their home outright, 37% of households were in the process of buying their home, and 32% of households were currently renting.

Household Breakdown 2019

Totals 10 million households or 18.65 million adults.

* Some Notes on Adults still living at home
Majority 18yrs and 19yrs perhaps 450,000
43% of 20-24yrs*1.567m =  700,000 
17% of 25-29yrs*1.665m =  250,000
7% of 30-34yrs*1.704m  =  100,000


** Examples of "Other Families" situations are


The Australian statistics above exclude short-term overseas visitors who are visiting Australia for less than 12 months, just as it makes allowances for Australian residents outside the country short-term i.e. for less than 12 months.
The statistics do include foreign citizens, resident greater than 12 months, but not yet qualified for permanent residency (and Australian citizenship). Since 2007 this is about a 3½-4 year requirement. Perhaps 10% of the adult total.

Total Houses

According to the 2016 Census, separate houses continued to account for the largest proportion of Australian homes. However, separate houses decreased from 76% of households in 2011 to 73% in 2016. Semi-detached, row housing, town houses, flats and apartments increased to make up just over one-quarter of housing (26%).

Total Buildings

In terms of total buildings in Australia larger than nine square metres, it was estimated by PSMA Australia that in 2018 there were 15,243,669 buildings in the country.

Total Rentals

from a report in the Weekend Australian 11th April 2020

Renting Statistics in Australia 2020

Renting Statistics in Australia 2020

Click here for source page based on 2016 Census

75 and over
1.5m own home300,000 are renting
Baby Boomers
3.8m own home900,000 are renting
Generation X
4.3m own home1.5m are renting
3.6m own home3.2m are renting
Generation Z
3.7m own home2m are renting
Generation Alpha
0-2 (900,000)
Total16.9m own (buying) home7.9m renting or in "other" accommodation

** End of File

Further References

List of countries by wealth per adult

Households 10 million in 2021

Infogram Household net worth 2003-04 to 2017-18 Australian Bureau of Statistics

ABS Excel Spreadsheet Data Cubes 7.2 Net Worth Quintiles

ABS Managed Funds

ABS Housing Occupancy media release

ABS Excel Spreadsheet Data Cubes 2.4 Household Assets and Liabilities house-prices-and-why-young-australians-still-living-at-home five-year-age-groups household-size

** End of Page